Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Do you recall all those sayings your parents or elders used to say to you when you were a kid that made absolutely no sense, but now that you’re older, you get it? I had one of those revelations this morning. When I was a teenager and needed a ride somewhere, I would ask my mother-naturally. And just as naturally, she would tell me “No, I don’t feel like driving for everybody today. Take the bus.” I would look at her confused because I hadn’t asked her to take the neighborhood, just me. She then explained, “I don’t feel like dealing with all those drivers out there that aren’t paying attention…which means I have to drive for them too.” Today as I swerved around a driver that felt the need to bend over fumble inside his glove box on I-95 this morning, I remembered my mother and I TOTALLY get what she meant!

Here we go…!!
Who’s the Victim…
Dating as far back as possible, we are fascinated with celebrities. We monitor their seemingly quick rise, and then everyone wince when they fall; the latter being more glamorized and sensationalized with our ever-growing media. The latest is Lauren Hill. It has been reported that she pled guilty for not paying taxes between 2005 and 2007. Her reason...because she chose to withdraw from society, and hence didn’t feel she should pay taxes.  You can read her response to the charges she posted on her Tumblr page here. She returns to court in November for sentencing where she faces up to 3 years of jail time. I will also add that according to a statement from her lawyer, she plans to pay the taxes owed. So, now that there’s jail time in the wings, she’s willing to pay the taxes. I always find it interesting when those who have made millions and then get caught/punished for not paying taxes have one or two reasons. One, they didn’t know – the famous “Blame the Accountant” excuse. The other is “This country and its regulations are wrong and I want no part of it, so I’m not paying taxes” excuse. Both excuses are just that, excuses and nothing was heard when they were spending the money, and demanding more of it. Suck it up! Pay your taxes like the rest of us!

Today’s title is 3rd on the list of Top 50 titles from/by African Americans. Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self” is a collection of shorts by Danielle Evans. I already know this one will be a personal favorite, as I am a lover of short stories. The overview on Barnes & Noble states it is about “…young African-American and mixed-race teens, women, and men struggling to find a place in their families and communities.” A little something for everybody! This title is also available as a NOOK Book. Let me know what you think!

Something to Think About…
When you know you’re on the right path, there’s a euphoric-type feeling that navigates your days. If you’re paying attention, it precedes your presence. People begin to notice there’s ‘something’ about you that is different. Those who love you relish in it and encourage you to continue with whatever you’re doing. Those who are against you complain that you’ve changed and tell you that you should remember where you came from. Who do you listen to?

‘Til next time!

 Quote of the day
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”  ~E.E. Cummings

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