Monday, January 16, 2012

Become What You Believe ©

What do you believe about yourself? This question goes beyond the typical answer of “I’m a great listener…” or “I’m a people person.” What we believe about ourselves is who we become.  I can recall being a little girl and claiming what I would be when I grew up. It changed regularly but one thing that remained the same was that each career I chose, I was going to be great at it. Whether it was at nursing, teaching, performing, or executing (don’t ask) I was going to be the best. Today I am all those things, perhaps not professionally, but definitely in some capacity I have incorporated all those things I dreamed of being when I was a young girl into my existence as of today.
There was a time when my beliefs did not line up to what God had intended. I can look back now and see that was my period of ‘Growing Pains’ and painful it was. Decisions based on emotions distorted my view of who I was and more importantly, who I wanted to be. After a period of constantly dusting myself I asked myself the most compelling question we could ask: “Do you believe you are worthy all that God has promised?”
That one question sparked a series of ‘Internal Makeovers’ for me and those around me; and I now pose it to you.
What do you believe about yourself? Have you set yourself up for success or are you allowing yourself to be weighed down by years believing your ‘Shadow Beliefs?’Oprah Winfrey describes these as the doubts, fears, and discouragement from our subconscious voice which holds us back. Whether you’ve convinced yourself or allowed others to shape your belief about who you are (or should be) is based on what you choose to accept. The Being that you’ve become, believe it or not, is based on what you have believed about yourself.
If you are not living your dream or working toward them, I encourage you to begin to shift to the level of Believing that you are worthy of all good things. The average person believes only what is tangible, but it is imperative that we believe the place of our dreams not our nightmares. 
Commit to yourself!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Take Responsibility - Part 2 ©

I challenge you to let go of your past and accept the task of living in the now. Take back your power over your life. I encourage you to use the resources you’ve burned up re-living past hurts, failures and situations, and channel a high-quality atmosphere into your present life. No one else should be given the role of commander over your being except for the One that gave it to you to begin with.
Stop blaming others for your mistakes and show some accountability for your actions. The sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to move forward. As long as you allow your past to take up space in your present, your future will be that much harder to grasp. Stop waiting for that person who hurt you three years ago to apologize for something they haven’t even acknowledged doing. Move on.
Consider where you are now. Seriously think about your direction. Are you making progress or running in place? What has happened is done, what matters is now. What you do with your Now will determine your Next. When we make a commitment to do what is in line with God’s purpose, He will bless it.
Commit to your life.
God’s generosity is granted to each and every one of us.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Take Responsibility ©

There is no better time than the present. How many times have you heard that statement? A more significant question is how many times have you considered its meaning? Usually, this phrase is related to opportunity but I’m applying it to life, which is an opportunity within itself when you think about it.
So many are waiting for someone or something to come along and save them, fix them, or help them be the person they think they need to be. News Flash: You are answerable for your life, not some mystery partner with a magic wand that’s going to appear and wave happiness in your direction. God’s generosity is given on a daily, individual basis. Your happiness is a part of that and it is yours to keep or give away. Stop waiting and start Being.
It’s time to tap into the Source that was promised at our creation. Start living your life and stop waiting for it to happen; life is happening now.
Life is the landscape of your existence. How you cultivate it is your gift back to God and the Universe.