Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Found My Place…

How many times have I heard people talking about their “Aha!” moment? There have been shows designated to this revelation, books, and countless articles. I got the concept and understood its euphoric impact…or so I thought.

I attended a WordShop on worrying and how to overcome being hurt. I suppose being in a group setting I only heard the lesson, but it wasn’t until I was alone that the words settled. Recalling what had been said and shared, I took a glimpse into my own situations. I looked at the scenarios going on in my life and realized that I have some work to do.

This morning I woke up and went directly into my day. Not in the usual manic rush to get the day started, but with a purpose. I needed some alone time, and I needed it desperately. I haven’t made me a priority in a while and felt the need to do this morning. I needed to pray and be in the presence of His peace. The chaos of living was creeping into my spirit and I knew it would be a matter of time before it would engulf me. Yes, today was needed and I’m glad I listened to that small still voice.

After reading and meditating, I decided to clear out some of the recording on my DVR. I watched Friday’s Oprah which was about her greatest lessons learned. All very inspiring but it wasn’t until Toni Morrison came on that I experienced the tingling everyone had been talking about. That moment when something is said, that ultimately changes your viewpoint and causes that “Aha” factor in your life. Ms. Morrison said she has a place that is all hers…a place that she owns, and that place exist when she’s working. Her writing is her place, she created it, the people are hers and so is the language.


When she spoke those words, I got chills and tears welled up in my eyes. It was an answer to a basic question, but was so profound. She said that everyone needs a place like that, in whatever it is that brings them joy, peace, contentment…a place – spiritually, mentally – that they can say they own.

I grabbed a pencil and an index card and wrote her words down. I had to rewind the episode a few times because I wanted to make sure I wrote it down correctly. As I wrote the message down, more tears fell. I had not been able to express what I felt when I write…when I do what I enjoy – and that was it. When I’ve helped someone through counseling, guiding, etc…that’s what I feel – comfortable because I’m in My Place.

Do you have “A Place?’ If you don’t, what will it take to get there?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On the “Outs”©

We are living in a time where the word “Outsource” (and anything related to it) is a four-letter word. The economy isn’t the only culprit of lost jobs. Just mention the word in a group setting and you’re guaranteed a heated debate on the subject. It’s similar to life changing situation, you either have had firsthand experience with it, or you know someone who has.

Many companies, for various reasons (we know the main one is money), have opted to send general operations overseas. Whatever was done via call centers, customer service departments, etc. is now being performed in some renovated space in India. Sure, the bottom line for the company has been saved, but the person whose desk no longer exist is now unemployed and a dependant of the State. Moreover, the lethargic cycles begins and ends – nonstop.

I understand the idea of companies wanting to saving money, but at what point is the line drawn? The laws, if you want to call them that, are so vague and disguised that it’s impossible to enforce the stipulations that are attached to them. So many pockets are being lined with the revenue outsourcing generates; nearly no one is willing to crack down on its requisites.

Additionally, I get the anger of the people outsourcing effects, but again, there is a line for them as well. The company decides to dismantle an entire department; it may or may not offer a severance. Granted, there aren’t many options in regards to finding another job, but how productive is it to sit at home hating the company you’ve worked for six years or more? Your name was forgotten the moment you pulled out of the company’s parking garage. They’ve moved on, literally, and you should too.

Before anyone gets his or her knickers in a bunch, I want to stress that I’m not bashing the victim. I’ve been there, and it was not a great feeling. However, what I am emphasizing is the victim should not continue in role of a victim. Jobs come and go. Outsourcing just happens to be the forerunning reason now.