Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On the “Outs”©

We are living in a time where the word “Outsource” (and anything related to it) is a four-letter word. The economy isn’t the only culprit of lost jobs. Just mention the word in a group setting and you’re guaranteed a heated debate on the subject. It’s similar to life changing situation, you either have had firsthand experience with it, or you know someone who has.

Many companies, for various reasons (we know the main one is money), have opted to send general operations overseas. Whatever was done via call centers, customer service departments, etc. is now being performed in some renovated space in India. Sure, the bottom line for the company has been saved, but the person whose desk no longer exist is now unemployed and a dependant of the State. Moreover, the lethargic cycles begins and ends – nonstop.

I understand the idea of companies wanting to saving money, but at what point is the line drawn? The laws, if you want to call them that, are so vague and disguised that it’s impossible to enforce the stipulations that are attached to them. So many pockets are being lined with the revenue outsourcing generates; nearly no one is willing to crack down on its requisites.

Additionally, I get the anger of the people outsourcing effects, but again, there is a line for them as well. The company decides to dismantle an entire department; it may or may not offer a severance. Granted, there aren’t many options in regards to finding another job, but how productive is it to sit at home hating the company you’ve worked for six years or more? Your name was forgotten the moment you pulled out of the company’s parking garage. They’ve moved on, literally, and you should too.

Before anyone gets his or her knickers in a bunch, I want to stress that I’m not bashing the victim. I’ve been there, and it was not a great feeling. However, what I am emphasizing is the victim should not continue in role of a victim. Jobs come and go. Outsourcing just happens to be the forerunning reason now.


  1. OH OH, so True!

    Between Off-shoring and Outsourcing, oh what are the American People to do? Recently I was intrigued by 60 minutes or one of those shows, tracking companies who rent mailboxes in countries to avoid the US taxes. Are we shocked?

    We (humankind) have made things so complicated to prove our intellect, that no one understands. More over, others of us get caught up in this man made mess, that we loose sight of what's important.

    Maya Angelou has a quote I love: "If you don't like something change it, if you can change it, change your attitude", how brilliant is that. No stress over this mess, it's all temporary and in time will pass.

    So I say, offshore, outsource, we still all need each other, and you can tip the scale however you want, but we all will come crashing down, I believe this Recession is evidence of that. What do you think?

  2. I agree completely! At what point do we take into consideration that NOTHING is guaranteed, and we are NOT owed anything. I get so annoyed when people carry an ever-present chip on their shoulder, and the minute reality knocks it off, they start their moaning and groaning about how unfair their lives are.
