Friday, June 4, 2010

Remembering... (#1)

Feeling nostalgic and remembering the ‘good old days’ I read once is good for the soul. Which may explain why mine is so healthy…for the most part.

All these studies are being conducted to prove how unhealthy kids are today and the BIG solution is for them to get outside (??) When did the basic concept of fun get lost? How did it get lost and why isn’t anybody looking for it?

See, I’m talking about a time when long walks were an adventure and the destination didn’t matter. I remember wandering through the woods, picking flowers, and pussy willows for my mother. So many of them that she asked me to stop picking them for a while.

Remember when a pair of cut-off jean shorts was mandatory to have and how you cut about 3 pairs of jeans to get the length of them just right? When at least one pair became THE pair to “get wet” in? While your mother yelled from the window “You better not get your hair wet!!”


I sure can go for a bag of “Dispy Doodles”


  1. My, my, my....the "good ole days", when you couldn't wait for Saturday morning, to get up early, get food shoping out the way, watch the cartoons, be back in time for kung fu, and then hit the out doors for fun. Steal the Bottle, Hop Scotch, Spin the tops, Freeze Tag, what, that was the good old days.

    When the sun was going down, and your parents came out to sit on the stoop, we would play double douch, and oh man, don't let mom and her girls get in, look out. Oh what fun we had, all the places we went.

    Sadly there's a generation who has no idea what fun is, how to be happy with just them selves, and who are afraid of quiet time. Who do we blame? Is there someone to blame? When do we take a stand and get it back? There's much workd to be done, a nice glass a kool-aid, or sweet tea and I may have to call my girls and see if they want to jump rope this weekend...I think I still have wire rope in the house

  2. A lost art: Having good, clean, honest fun! Playing...OUTSIDE! When was the last time you ran, just because!?

    When watching T.V. took up only a portion of your day? Bugs & Friends, Afterschool Specials...when you had to get permission to watch "The Jeffersons" (yes, I was NOT allowed to watch that show!)
    When your imagination was the only tool you needed for a full day's activity... be 9 years old again!
