As I was driving to work this morning, I was absently listening to the radio when I heard the announcer chime in through my thoughts that a handful of retailer are opening at midnight the day after Thanksgiving “…to give shoppers an advantage at more bargains.” Really? Since when are retailers concerned for consumer’s advantages? The sad and pathetic aspect is that we (the so-called broke consumer) will fall for this scheme just like we do every season; actually, “they,” because I have yet to partake in the great spending frenzy of “Black Friday”
The term “Black Friday” started as an indication that stores were profiting, in the ‘black’ and continues today. Yes, in this ostentatious society where more is more, a day is set aside to spend money. Need I remind, that money is scarce for a good percentile of our nation and yet on the 4th Friday of November, people will relinquish precious family time, which used to be the theme of Thanksgiving, and gear up to fight (figuratively and literally in many instances) for the sake of purchasing something, anything on sale. (I’ll save Cyber Monday for another time…) I shake my head in pity at the idea that life is not worthwhile unless little Johnny has the latest Playstation sitting under the tree on Christmas morning or deprived Mommy can’t get her hands on that Forman Grill with the 92 inter-changeable griddles.
In the midst of all this madness that will transpire over a 4-week span, far away in the distance is the cry for change. A small voice is heard on an obscure channel that preaches bringing the true meaning of Christmas back to the forefront. On another channel, some expert will analyze a more cost-efficient way of shopping and another will pinpoint a new spending trend. The bottom line to all these is spending. What amazes me is that none of these “One-Day Sales” and “Early Bird Specials” that begin at 3 A.M. would not and could not happen unless we, the consumer, make them so. The power of the dollar is in the hand of its holder. The consumer is responsible for the millions of dollars in profit retailers report just days after that infamous Friday.
Gone are the days where traditions were held dear like the family going out together to pick out a tree, which was always too big for the living room. Sitting around the kitchen/dining table helping in some capacity with the Christmas dinner and reminiscing about past Christmases only happens occasionally. Core values have evaporated along with the whipped topping on a trendy $6 cup of hot chocolate that you must buy and be seen drinking while you’re at the mall or you’re not “In” and all the other Soccer-Gymnastics-Basketball-Cheerleader Moms will banish you from their reindeer games and the next bake sale.
I have an idea, how about explaining to your children and family members that you’re in debt (honestly) and that this year you’re giving them the gift that keeps on giving…compassion. What would happen if you start a “new” tradition that focuses on what matters? I don’t know, something like getting to know your friends and family? I mean spending true quality time with them and allowing them to see you, laugh with you, or dine with you. Remember life before everything and everyone was digital? You TALKED with people, not read their texts and status postings. You knew what was happening in their lives because you used meet for dinner, at each other’s houses and could see in their eyes something was going on, good, bad, or disastrous. Instead of sending mass text messages, stop by, or call and TELL your loved ones “MERRY CHRISTMAS” (not this politically correct Happy Holidays crap…don’t get me started with that one!)
I encourage you to re-think this season. Think outside the expensively wrapped gift box and dig into your family’s treasure box. Learn how to make Grandma’s pineapple coconut cake (I’m trying my hand at my mother’s sweet potato pie again!) Reconnect with the ones you love and disconnect from your Berries, Droids, and anything i-related. Give of yourself this season, not of your wallet. Your loved-ones will love your more for it…and for those that don’t appreciate it, they’ll catch on next year when they realize they’re in the ‘red’ on ‘black’ Friday.
Ha ha ha....This is so true! We are moving farther and farther away from relationship,a formula for self destruction not to mention the over whelming feeling that people are being divided and conquered.
ReplyDeleteI've had the opportunity to partake in "Black Friday", and let me say, the adventure is one to remember. Now, yes I got what I wanted, and lost a day of sleep. That was when the stores opened at 6am. This new 10pm - 12am opening, is ridiculous.
I'm just looking forward to the time with family. The smells of all the good food and great tasting drinks.
Somebody's got it! We can re-start the revolution! Lol