A mixture of opinions, insights and occasional humor of the world, life and everything in between...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Have You Seen My Tomorrow? (1 of ---)
Have you ever made plans? Of course you have. Have you ever made plans, extensive plans, or a list of plans with intricate detail and NOT complete a single task? I took a moment and looked around my apartment and realized there were piles (and piles!) of things I was going to do “tomorrow” From organizing CD’s and putting pictures into albums, to sorting through the many files on my computer and cataloging my writings (which are all over the place!)
I intended to do these things and for various reasons, I didn’t. I was sitting at my desk last night and thought about how many times I’ve started creating folders and moving documents to easy, recognizable locations only to never go back to pull anything out. The sorted folders stared back at me from the monitor asking the same question, “What happened?” I have often said, if I were left alone with no interruptions or distractions, I’d get so much more done. As I got older, I realized that wasn’t realistic. That I could not be left alone and probably would get bored with the setup after a while anyway.
A question floats around in my head that I ask myself periodically, “Could you survive on an island by yourself? Fully equipped?” Initially, my answer is usually a resounding yes. I believe that given all that I need, technology, books, what have you, I would be okay. Does that make me a potential recluse? I’m not sure, and I don’t feel like delving into it right now but, it sounds like the makings of one.
That great novel that’s still waiting to be written? Yep, tomorrow. The cards I was supposed to mail out, phone calls I was going to make that is way too late to do now, yes, were all supposed to happen ‘tomorrow’.
Where does the time go or more importantly, what happens to my drive to do these things? The ideas, insights, and strategic layout of each took me time to come with. Granted, not too much energy or brainpower but I thought about it. I took the time to come up with the lists. And then nothing.
So the question is will I do them now that I’ve shed light on the uncompleted projects?
As soon as I find my tomorrow, I’ll think about it. (S. R. P.©)
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