Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Election Trash ©

If I get one more over-sized post card from an election official I’m going to scream! I should start screaming now because I’m sure, that as I’m typing this; my not-so-friendly mail carrier is dropping more of those annoying glossies in my mailbox.

Vote for me! Vote! Cast your ballet! (I don’t appreciate being yelled at either) Every candidate has THE answer and each is better than the other one. I took a moment to actually read a couple of these cardboard bios since somebody’s hard-earned donations were funneled through the budget for the producing and mailing of these intrusions. What I’ve realized is that they’re not very original. All fairly standard actually. They all give the same semi-profile picture on one side. On the other side bullets on what they’ll do if elected, promises, and more promises (blah, blah, blah)

They have gotten so bold as to set up auto-dialing pools to harass via the telephone. Right, just what you (you, because I’m not part of this population) wanted to come home to. After a long day at the office, customer service desk, or check-out line, I’m sure the last thing anyone wants to deal with is a ringing phone during dinner, only to be “greeted” with a recorded message from your state Rep, asking for your vote. I won’t mention the lawn signs (Geesh!)

The real meat is saved for the television ads and radio spots. This is when my remote control gets its exercise. So much slander and school yard bulling is transferred between hopefuls there almost should be parental ratings on some of them. Clips of recorded speeches and internet videos are spliced while printed stories have been cut and pasted more than a first grader’s collage. It’s all pathetic in my opinion. The name-calling, the digging into each other’s pasts all trying to paint a distorted picture to the voting public is just sad. Has anyone figured out that there is an equal ratio of trash? Which leads me to wonder whom to believe?


There’s a lot of money spent on these campaigns. All those ads and signage, costs a lot to place that filth on the airwaves and along our roads. If only they were as concerned at saving the many community centers that are closing and after school activities that are being threatened to end because there’s no funding.

What happens to all that money when the campaigning is over anyway?


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Changes of Seasons ©

A change in seasons sometimes brings about changes in character, moods, and dispositions. Just as “Spring Cleaning” marks the airing out of what’s been closed up all winter. It’s a preparation for the summer breezes, flip-flops, and fruit salads.

In life this similar preparation occurs. “Spring Cleaning” in one’s life is getting rid of the baggage of the Winter Season of your life. You shake off the dust that’s collected on the throw rug of your emotions, hang it out on the Line of Courage, and beat it until all the years of abuse, frustrations, and disappointments are gone with the wind. You wash down the Walls of Inferiority and prepare them for new artwork. In place of the old, beautiful framed works of Stability, Encouragement, and Faith hang in their places. You stand back and admire them proudly, knowing the Creator of these works is still working on you.

Fall has become that season for me. I’m starting with one room at a time. Getting things in order has been long over-due. The Summer of my life has passed and it was truly hot. Steamy and long were the days causing slight confusion and anguish in the halls of my mind. It was all part of “The Plan”; lessons were taught and some were learned. Did I get it all? No, but I’m catching up.

I’m smiling now as I sit in the park and the crisp winds of Autumn tickle my ears. The scents of accomplishments drift along, the aroma so strong I can almost taste them. I can hear songs of Victory softly playing in the distance…I’ll dance now anyway.

Friday, September 17, 2010

40 and A Day ©

With the exception of one, the pivotal age of growing tends to be linked with a birthday ending with a zero.

Twenty-One is the iconic “Legal” age. Although technically you’re considered an adult at 18, it’s not until you’re 21 when you can really flex. The nervous twitch dissolves when you hand over your driver’s license to show proof that no laws are being broken (this time) with the purchase of the six-pack on the counter. You left hand is raised with enthusiasm when the police officer raises the question, “Who’s here over the age of 18?” when a situation calls for an ‘adult’. The awkwardness slips away as the realization sets in that you no longer need your parent’s permission to sleep over at your friend’s house. Little things like that are golden.

So, with that in mind, I bumped around my 20’s (literally) making the “allowed” mistakes and missing the lessons of most of them. By 26 I had it figured out…or so I thought. I still had some lessons to learn and bruises to earn. Through others, I began to see what I was missing; in more ways than one. I suffered and endured heartache, and experienced loss like none other. I had my share of fun too; the kind of fun that is laced with blissful ignorance and freedom. Yes, parties, traveling, quitting jobs because the manager made you mad or simply because you didn’t like it are all acceptable when you’re in your 20’s. I enjoyed them, but was also happy to be done with them.

Thirty slid in rather quietly, which should’ve been my warning. I was still grieving and trying to find my footing when out of nowhere, I was suddenly 35, working with no clue as to what I wanted to for a career (still wrestling with that one) and just questioning everything I did. Some old habits from my 20’s were lingering and tapping me on my shoulder, but I pressed through. A medical procedure forced me to grab hold of some hard truths and I accepted that is was “OK” to be me flaws and all. I’d like to say that by the time I reached 39, I had it all together. I didn’t. There were more questions and stumbling, even more questions and lessons (some learned)

Here it is, and here I am. I’m curious about it. I’ve heard all the stories. The phrase “40 is the NEW 30” doesn’t sit well with me because I’ve had enough of the 30’s. I told myself that I wouldn’t fall into the “Pre-40” pit, but I did slip in for a few days. I tried to tell myself that my mood was attributed to “other” things, but my True self knew better. About a week before the big day, I fell into a funk that was so bad I didn’t want anybody around. I didn’t want talk about it, because I couldn’t explain it. I just wanted to be alone. I prayed constantly. I cried periodically. I couldn’t sleep or focus. I was a sad site to see. I started having heart-to-heart talks with myself and doing what I thought would snap me out of it. Praying (a Given!), Tom & Jerry, and Diana Ross (Diana works every time…) What does it feel like? I haven’t noticed the shift yet.

I’ll keep you posted…

Friday, August 27, 2010

47 Years Ago…

This weekend, August 28th to be exact, marks the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech. Although I’m not quite old enough to say I remember when…I can say the impact the words of that now famous and infamous speech has had on my life.

Growing up in a mixed-raced neighborhood in the 1980’s, I don’t recall bouts of racism. None that I knew of on my own anyway. I vaguely recall a white lady that lived across the street from us calling me something that was obviously inappropriate because my mother came outside to tell her a thing or two. I just thought the lady was mean, and whatever she said wasn’t cool, because my mother wasn’t the type to engage in such behavior. I remember hearing my mother talking on the phone about it later that night, and in years to come it would come up when my mother felt like showing her ‘bad’ side (lol) but to endure bold-faced taunting or brutal treatment because of the color of my skin, God spared me of such. I am grateful because I don’t know who or what I would be now if I’d been born in a different time. I was born seven years after Dr. King’s speech, which doesn’t seem like a long time, but in Racial Tension Years, that’s like twenty years, easy.

It wasn’t until I reached high school that I began to tap into my rich Black American culture. You see, I went to a Catholic school from 4th to 8th grade and although there were other black kids in my graduating class, Black History didn’t make the cut of the rigid curriculum.

Anyway, it wasn’t until my sophomore or junior year of high school that I chose to dig deeper into our history. I wanted honest and true accounts of what happened so I asked my mother who shared with me that she didn’t really know who Martin Luther King was when they announced over the loudspeaker of her school that there would be an early dismissal because he had been shot. She told me she felt bad about not knowing who he was, but knew it was a big deal because the teachers started crying and hovering in the hallways. By the time she got outside, the police were there in riot gear prepared for the worst. She told me when she got home, she knew things were about to be different. I asked why did she feel bad, she was a teenager that wasn’t in to politics or being radical. Much like our youth today can’t really tell you about our leaders today. I don’t think she took comfort in that, but I think she resolved the feelings with me asking about it. I like to believe it showed her that her offspring was taking an interest in OUR history.

Now, as an adult I can say that I still have not faced out right racism. Sure, Its ugly subtleness has surfaced in stores, restaurants, and things like that, but not directly or so boldly as I’ve heard my brothas and sistas (spelled this way to emphasize our connection) have shared. Blessed? Yes. Fortunate? Maybe. Forty-Seven years is a long time, even longer to have a dream. The same dream that has yet to come true completely. Sure, we’ve come a long way, but still have much work to do and so much more to accomplish.

I don’t think I have to say what I’ll be reading this weekend for reflection…

I'm Back!

I’ve been neglecting my blogging and in a sense, neglecting you. I’ve been focusing on another project that I think I’ve wrestled into a steady rhythm, so…I’m back! I’m fighting (and losing!) a cold and this is helping me take my mind off the misery of the aforementioned ailment.

There’s been so much going on since my last posting, I don’t know where to start, what to address first. In an effort to keep it as simple as possible, I’m going to start with Anniversaries. This weekend marks the anniversaries of Hurricane Katrina (5th), Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech (47th), and although it’s a different kind of anniversary, it’s Michael Jackson’s birthday (Aug. 29th)

Hurricane Katrina shed serious light on the neglect of the lower class. I’m talking 100k wattage. The sensationalism of poverty, getting the best story and footage of the worst storm in this country’s history still leaves a bad taste in our mouths. We know about the slow response of our former president. We know how he was partying up, totally oblivious to the seriousness of the flooding. We’ve seen and read about how long it took him and his aides to get to New Orleans, etc. I can go on, but why open an old wound that hasn’t quite healed.

I watched a news special highlighting the events of the flood. Men running around capturing people in the midst of their nightmare, recording children crying because they’ve been separated from their families, and zooming in on the elderly and disabled that have died on the street because of lack of medication and/or treatment. The host of the show sat in darkened studio for effect, pictures of these images flashed in the background, while he explained what he saw and what the cameraman felt as he was walking along the streets. I turned it because I couldn’t bear to watch the images again, and how that same question left the same ill-tasting bile in my throat. How could news crews get there to tape and interview, and helicopters could circle around to get footage of what was going on, but didn’t rescue these people?

I go to sleep with the hope that their off-camera actions went far above and beyond the asking. I prayed (and still pray as they continue to run the footage) that when they turn off the cameras, the microphones are disconnected; they did what they could to do something other than call back to the station to say they’ve got a great story. More on the others in separate postings…

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Have You Seen My Tomorrow? (1 of ---)

Have you ever made plans? Of course you have. Have you ever made plans, extensive plans, or a list of plans with intricate detail and NOT complete a single task? I took a moment and looked around my apartment and realized there were piles (and piles!) of things I was going to do “tomorrow” From organizing CD’s and putting pictures into albums, to sorting through the many files on my computer and cataloging my writings (which are all over the place!)

I intended to do these things and for various reasons, I didn’t. I was sitting at my desk last night and thought about how many times I’ve started creating folders and moving documents to easy, recognizable locations only to never go back to pull anything out. The sorted folders stared back at me from the monitor asking the same question, “What happened?” I have often said, if I were left alone with no interruptions or distractions, I’d get so much more done. As I got older, I realized that wasn’t realistic. That I could not be left alone and probably would get bored with the setup after a while anyway.

A question floats around in my head that I ask myself periodically, “Could you survive on an island by yourself? Fully equipped?” Initially, my answer is usually a resounding yes. I believe that given all that I need, technology, books, what have you, I would be okay. Does that make me a potential recluse? I’m not sure, and I don’t feel like delving into it right now but, it sounds like the makings of one.

That great novel that’s still waiting to be written? Yep, tomorrow. The cards I was supposed to mail out, phone calls I was going to make that is way too late to do now, yes, were all supposed to happen ‘tomorrow’.

Where does the time go or more importantly, what happens to my drive to do these things? The ideas, insights, and strategic layout of each took me time to come with. Granted, not too much energy or brainpower but I thought about it. I took the time to come up with the lists. And then nothing.

So the question is will I do them now that I’ve shed light on the uncompleted projects?

As soon as I find my tomorrow, I’ll think about it. (S. R. P.©)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just Rambling...

I haven’t been in the mood for any heavy thinking, and therefore, no heavy writing. I reserve my “fluff” pieces for private reading. I purposely diverted from watching TV in the past couple of weeks because I was honestly and plainly tired of it all.

Capping, not capping, re-capping…the reasons and excuses began sounding like a broken record. Gallons and gallons of oil pumping into the waters and nobody can come up with a solution. Robots, sealers, closures of various sizes have been tried but, to no avail. I think they’ve found one that has slowed the flow. I haven’t actually tuned in long enough to actually see the details.

I watched a piece on TV the other day about a man who is instrumental in creating a new “Pixie Dust” (that’s the actual nickname they called it!) This material replaces damaged muscle. For example, soldiers that have lost limbs or have suffered scarred or damaged tissue due to bombings and such, can undergo treatment with this new material and have it replaced. One soldier received it and has experienced complete rehabilitation of the muscle lost in his thigh. He said that it he has gained strength that wasn’t there before. It was also used on an elderly man diagnosed with cancer in his esophagus. Using this material, they replaced his esophagus and he has no signs of cancer.


I bet you can guess where I’m going with this. There are doctors, scientists, technicians, etc. out there who can come up with the greatest discoveries known to man. You mean to tell me there isn’t anyone out there that can come up with way to cap a pipe?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One For Bugs! (as in Bunny!)

Yesterday marked the 70th “birthday” of my all time favorite cartoon characters. The pioneer of animation, the original animated one-liner, the slickster himself, Bugs Bunny! There were a few acknowledgements within the news and print, giving brief histories of his start and such. Throughout the day, I had planned to go home and watch a marathon only to discover that the so-called Cartoon Network did nothing of the sort. (!!) I pulled up the guide on the television screen and expanded it for the week. The only thing scheduled to air is “Looney Tunes Back in Action” (??) This being a feature film starring “B” list Hollywood actors with maybe 20% animation. A poor attempt to capitalize on the then popular “Space Jam” (another live/animation combo)

Now, I figured because it was during the week, they saved the marathon, tribute, SOMETHING for the weekend. Nothing. I was blown away! Cartoon Network wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Bugs and his pals. I even skipped to the Cartoon Network’s second station (CN West) and still nothing! I wrote a note to this so-called “cartoon” network and expressed my feelings on the matter. I haven’t received a response yet and doubt that I will. I didn’t bash them too terribly, but simply pointed out that they’ve strayed from their origin. I may have thrown in that they ought to be ashamed of themselves for neglecting the one character they all were probably inspired by. The crap they show now is embarrassing. With the exception of "Tom & Jerry", and an occasional run of "Scooby", everything else the air is, I repeat, crap! They even show movies now (helloooo??)

A few years ago, when they edged out the REAL cartoons for the new stuff, I was at a loss. I began purchasing my favorites on DVD; "The Flintstones", of course "Looney Tunes", "Pink Panther", etc. for my own enjoyment. Then another cartoon network surfaced called “Boomerang” that I was really excited about. This is a spin off for veterans like myself that shows all the cartoons we grew up with and that Cartoon Network no longer airs. Classics like “The Jetsons”, “The Flintstones”, “Josie and The Pussycats” are shown here. All the Hannah Barbara lineup you could think of is featured on this channel. Now, I love the HB stuff, but after a while, it wears you down. Still, no Warner Bros. greats - No Bugs Bunny, Daffy, Foghorn. They began throwing in a few Nickelodeon “classics” like “Dexter’s Laboratory”, “Johnny Bravo”, and “The Power Puff Girls”, which leads me to believe these too were ousted from their home networks and replaced with updated, yep you guessed it, crap. (Sigh…)

Anyway…The Cartoon Network dropped the ball BIG TIME (ALL of them!) No marathon, not even a half hour special on Bugs creation, nothing.

I will hold my own celebration this Saturday and will watch all my Looney Tunes DVD’s! I’ll sit in the middle of my bed, in my PJ’s; with a bowl of Cap’N Crunch cereal and enjoy all my favorites…the way cartoons were meant to be watched!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

One of Those...

When life is too hard to bare, or so you think, it’s comforting to know there’s someone near who is willing to share those rough moments with you. If you think it, she says it. If you say it, she finishes the sentence.

Is it possible to meet and acquire a ‘best friend’ in your 30’s? Yes. I’ve been blessed with such a gift. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not all that easy to get along with. I’m critical, a perfectionist, and generally do not like people; I prefer to watch them from a distance like the alligators at the zoo. But, for some strange reason that either of have not been able to truly figure out, we clicked.

Now, that’s not to say we don’t get on each other’s nerves, because we do. When those moments arise and of late, there hasn’t been many, we know to give each other the necessary space needed. I usually put her on time out and she lets my calls go to voicemail. :-)

It dawned on me the other day after my family reunion just how much she means to me. There aren’t many folks who would volunteer to help with your family reunion. Not just set tables or fold napkins, but sit at the ‘registration’ table and deal with aggressive family members who demanded a certain sized T-shirt or more than what they were entitled. The kind of friend that was up at 6 in the morning, out at the park 3 hours before it started to set up and stayed 2 hours after it ended to help clean up; that’s what I’m talking about…and STILL showed up the next day at the finale to put in even more hours of her time! That’s Love (yes, with a capital “L”)

This isn’t the first and I’m confident enough to say it won’t be the last time she’s stepped up and walked hand in hand with me when I needed her. During other various crisis, big or small, she’s right there. In the midst of many breakdowns, known and unknown, she’s talked me through. Sometimes she doesn’t say anything which I can’t decide is just as or more valuable to me.

I think what touches my heart the most is that she took the time to get to know me and is hanging tight with me and my crazy mood swings and moments of dispondency. She’s willing to roll up her sleeves and go to war or to sit and listen when I analyze myself or a situation I’m going through and chimes in with just enough advice to nudge me in the right direction.

She’s the only person I know that I can spend the day with shopping (literally) and still want to hang out with in the evening into the wee hours of the night. Our conversations are stimulating and thoughtful. We learn from each other and WITH each other. We cry together and sit in silence together and know exactly what it all means. No words are needed, we know.

Yes, I have one of those…a Best Friend and I love her dearly (T.E.)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All In The Family!

This past weekend we hosted our first Family Reunion. I say first because it wasn’t part of the previous chains or other extensions. My two cousins and I put together a weekend that I’m sure either of us will forget.

It started with “D” sending me an email 5 or 6 months ago simply stated: “Cuz, call me” Within minutes, I called him. When he realized it was me, he was blown away because I actually called him. He asked how did I feel about getting a reunion together? He went to say how the older members of the family always did it and now that WE’RE the older ones (so to speak) we should really try to put something together. As I listened to him I realized he was serious and wanted my help. We set a date to get together to talk it out in more details. I drove up to his house and we talked for over three hours about everything! Now, the key to this is that “D” and I had never spent any “real” time with each other. It was always a quick word in passing, at a funeral or messages on Facebook. But that night, we bonded our family ties and got to work. He called and reached out to a few other cousins who all responded with “Yea, that’s a great idea” but only one stepped up said “Yea, that’s a great idea…let me know what you want me to do” and “L” jumped in with both feet.

Because we all know how folks can be (well, most of us know) pulling this thing together was not easy. The minute the registration letter went out, the negativity began. We sat together and exchanged our disbelief at what was being said. Well, “L” and I knew it would come but “D” was really taken aback (poor fella!) From “I didn’t get a letter” even though the registration letter CLEARLY asked that copies be made and distributed accordingly because we didn’t have everyone’s address (a family as big as ours, who would??) to complaints of the location flew around like migrating birds. The biggest complaint of course was the price. Which we felt was faire considering it included your meals for all three days and a T-shirt. Sadly enough, most of the drama came from a certain ‘pocket’ of the family. A few times we were derailed because the battery had become a bit much and we had to REALLY encourage one another. I know I contemplated stepping down and not showing up at all. I didn’t catch any direct flack, but when I learned my two partners were catching it, I took it personal as if it were directly coming to me. I became defensive and confrontational. A couple of times I had to be talked down by “L” because I was ready to make THAT phone call to certain family members to check them. Of course we had those that totally disregarded and in my opinion disrespected the spirit and formation of the reunion by just showing up and not paying and forced us to come out of our own pockets to cover certain expenses. A few were the very same ones that caused all the drama.

Nevertheless, we pressed on and because we did, last weekend was a success! Nothing but positive accolades were given throughout the weekend by the family. There were few hiccups here and there, but they were so minor I doubt anybody noticed ;-) The three of us, with the help of "L's" husband and "D's" wife, "L's" good friend and my best friend, we pulled it off!

Friday night kicked off with an informal hang out of adult fun at a local bar. We were a little apprehensive because we didn’t book the bar for our use exclusively. We just told everyone to show up there and be prepared to pay a cover ($5) the bar sometimes charged and we knew there would be some that would complain about having to pay at the door. To our surprise, we were the only ones there that night and there was no charge for those that came later (1 down…)

Saturday was the Family Day, with the weatherman threatening rain. I believe we all prayed because there was a 3 minute shower around 8:45 and another one around 11 and that was it! Everyone (all who could) played field games, talked, ate and ate some more. We did a special balloon release for all family members that had passed away and the classic photo of the eldest and youngest family member together (2 down, 1 to go...)
The finale was a Family Fellowship Dinner with presentations of Praise Dancing, Poetry, and awards for the games played the day before. Our final comments were expressed more so to each other. A touching moment because only we know what we went through for the sake of the family; a job well done! (We did it!!)

Comments of next year’s reunion popped up. I ignored them. At the end of, a cousin approached me about ideas for the next reunion possibly being held at a location that meets in the ‘middle’ like Myrtle Beach. I told him it was a good idea and told myself I wanted NOTHING to do with the planning!

My Blackberry will be happy to know that I will NOT be taking any calls, emails, or texts from the family for at least 2 weeks. I will respond to FB inquiries on a very LIMITED basis. :-)


Monday, July 12, 2010

Back To Normal (?)

The title of this entry tickles me because as I typed it out, I’m not sure what ‘normal’ is anymore.

I have been in a state of chaos and frenzy for the past three months. I’ve almost forgotten what normal feels like. From running up and down the highway, to running relays to hospitals and nursing homes and doctor’s offices…I’m zapped! In the midst of all the emergencies, I’ve been co-planning our Family Reunion which took place this past weekend.

Now that things are beginning to quiet down, I’d like to get in some quality time with myself. I’m feeling the need to be revived in every sense of the word. I need some One-on-One time with the Lord. I need some uninterrupted time to be alone in His presence and in His Word.

Once that’s been done, I need a day or two of doing absolutely NOTHING! No cleaning, no organizing, no driving; just nothing. After that I think I’ll be ready to rejoin society in a more productive manner. ;-)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Is it enough?

Never has two letters caused such debates and discussions, and to my surprise little uproar or protest. BP (British Petroleum for those who didn’t know it actually stood for something) has won the crown of being responsible for the biggest spill in American history, which brings me to my thoughts…so far.

A multi-billion dollar company sets up a drilling mechanism without proper research, no, without adhering to the outcome of said research for the sake of making more money. In doing so, cutting costs (saving/making money) on behalf of the company and at the risk of surrounding communities, the environment, businesses, families (I could keep going…)
 Meanwhile back at the ranch, it’s business as usual. For years, it’s business as usual because everybody’s wallets are growing. Stocks are up and acquisitions are growing. Nobody bothers to step and say, “Hey, that drill in the Deepwater Horizon isn’t up to code.” Nope, they continued drilling, ignoring the flags that were raised during inspections, turned blind eyes to the warnings of possible dangers and deaf ears to the counsel of revamping the process and making it safer, and more eco-friendly.
 And then “The Spill” (which is more like a gusher)
 BP execs are scrambling and taking cover. Pointing fingers and throwing blame as fast as the oil that’s being pumped into the Gulf (estimated at 2 million gallons a day!!) Those that were wrangled and being forced to take responsibility aren’t going down alone. I would (and I’m not a gambler) these are some of the same men, who took all the credit (and bigger bonuses) for coming up with the idea of drilling there in the first place. Interesting how they want company now.
 Nobody has chastised or forced BP to revise their drilling techniques or have held them accountable for drilling until, the unthinkable has happened. Suddenly, proof of failed inspections and reports of managers pushing for work/drilling to continue have emerged. Executives claiming never to have seen or heard of such warnings are rising. What sickens me is that these individuals sit at the tables of the hearings and all repeat the rehearsed answer “BP will pay for everything connected to the spillage” No one is taking responsibility! No one has yet stepped up to the plate and swung the Bat of Moral Conduct and admitted they were WRONG!

To add to the circus, execs from other leading oil/energy companies are being questioned about their drilling operations and one had the nerve to exclaim that nothing like this would happen with his company because they “have a plan” (??)

My take: I think the other companies are just gloating that it was BP and not them. They’re angry at the growth of BP, for getting to Deepwater before them and when BP negotiated amongst their immediate contacts for partnership, therefore NOT sharing the wealth, they are now on the outs. It’s every greedy oil company for itself. Amidst these researchers, scientists, and anyone else that could possibly come up with a solution to this monster sized problem, still nothing is getting done. Sure, a few million gallons have been collected, but still millions are being pumped into the Gulf.

Our President declared we WILL get this resolved and BP will be held accountable. But at what cost to our coasts?

Friday, June 4, 2010

I’m In Love with A Blackberry (and I don’t mean the fruit!)

Okay, I know that sounds so corny and so, umm 2010 (doesn’t quite flow like ‘80’s) but I have become one of “Them” OMG!

Seriously, I remember being on the train or sitting in Starbucks seeing people totally absorbed with the little device in the palm of their hands. I recall saying to myself “there is nothing THAT important” Well…I broke down and upgraded my Razor for a BB last summer and my life hasn’t been the same. I know that sounds dramatic, and I totally agree, but it really hasn’t been the same. I don’t spend nearly as much time sitting in front of my desktop as I did before. Unless I’m updating my iPod or doing research, or something else that requires or is more comfortable to view on a larger screen, I’m giving my thumbs a vigorous work-out!

Now, of course this handy little dandy has its downfalls. You become so alert at receiving Alerts, every “Ding”, “Chime”, or “Vibe” you’re reaching for that smooth machinery clipped onto your hip. Whenever the word “Apps” is mentioned, your ears perk up. “Sync” has taken on new dimensions in your world and there’s no stopping it. Unless of course, you trade it in for something else, which is considered a “Downgrade” (Never that!)

All I can say is once you go BLACKberry, you’ll never go back!

Remembering... (#1)

Feeling nostalgic and remembering the ‘good old days’ I read once is good for the soul. Which may explain why mine is so healthy…for the most part.

All these studies are being conducted to prove how unhealthy kids are today and the BIG solution is for them to get outside (??) When did the basic concept of fun get lost? How did it get lost and why isn’t anybody looking for it?

See, I’m talking about a time when long walks were an adventure and the destination didn’t matter. I remember wandering through the woods, picking flowers, and pussy willows for my mother. So many of them that she asked me to stop picking them for a while.

Remember when a pair of cut-off jean shorts was mandatory to have and how you cut about 3 pairs of jeans to get the length of them just right? When at least one pair became THE pair to “get wet” in? While your mother yelled from the window “You better not get your hair wet!!”


I sure can go for a bag of “Dispy Doodles”

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Breaking News!

I bet when you saw that header, you thought to yourself “Now what’s happened?” I know I did when I read the same header within my news feed, followed by: “Al Gore and his wife of 40 years are separating”


Since when did someone’s breakup become “Breaking News” I don’t know if I was more angry than annoyed. Angry because I thought another devastating storm hit or was on its way or BP has finally figured out a way to stop the oil from flowing (stay tuned for more on that one!) But as I scrolled down and read the caption about the former VP, I became annoyed. Not to mention I had to hear it at the top of every hour on the radio, because they’re streaming and reading from the same feed.

Whose job was it to say “Yes, that’s breaking news…run it!” Really? This actually takes precedence over the fact that in a matter of weeks, there will be THOUSANDS of young adults out of school with NOTHING to do for the summer. (I’d also like to add that I’m just sick to death of hearing about Jesse and Sandra. He cheated. She left. End of story!)

You know, I once read that the government will issue “news” to divert from what’s really happening.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Office "Dynamics"

Okay - the majority of us have at one point been in a position where we've had to deal with office 'politics'. It may not have been in an office per say, but you've had to deal with some "stuff" that falls under the category.

A couple of days ago, I overheard such a case. A case that is as old as prostitution (maybe not that old, but you get what I'm saying) and as shady as a mature palm tree in Florida.

So, you've been at a company for, let's say for the sake of argument, 8 years. A good round number. During those 8 years, you've accomplished much, saved the company much, and have seen more Executives come and go than you care to count. Now, in the beginning, you're gung-ho about your job and the expectations that come with it. You work late, come in on your day off and with the upgrade of technology, have worked from home when you should've been enjoying that marathon of your favorite crime show (Duh-Dun!!)

You accepted the constructive criticisms of a manager that you later deemed isn't qualified to file contracts let alone tell YOU what you need to approve on. You sit through reviews that were given, all to learn that SURPRISE! the raise you anticipated isn't what you deserve (is it ever??)

Now, here's the comedy. They tell you that "Due to the recent atmosphere of the economy, this is the best we can do.." Really? Meanwhile, the same company you've given some the best over-time hours of your life has hired, fired, and RE-hired some of the most expensive top executives a severance package can buy. They send their sales people to resort locations (along with a partner no less) while you're hammering out contracts, expenses and everything else the "Office-Slacker" won't do. I'm not going to mention the countless dollars that are wasted on a daily basis just within the office (I'll save that for another posting)

While eliminating, no excuse me "down-sizing" positions where the actual work is getting done, they continue to make these decisions without the actual employee in mind. They expect you to continue to give 100% of yourself, doing the work of 5 and pay your for 1 (if you're lucky)

But! We are to conduct ourselves accordingly because a bad attitude is contagious and spreads like wild fire in the office.

News Flash! So does bad management.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Occasional Distraction…

It normally takes a bit to derail me, but when it happens, boy am I off track (pun intended) I can be coasting along, smooth sailing and then all of a sudden – WHAM! I hit a wall or trip over a hurdle. Now I know this should be taken as ‘normal’, we all have our ‘moments’, blah, blah, blah. But for some reason, I like to exclude myself from those types of travesties. I like to believe that I am always on point. A grave discovery I’m just now admitting that I am not. An admittance that I am choosing to share, I will consider my First Step.

The First Step toward allowing myself to have these aforementioned ‘moments’. To give myself permission to just ‘Be” and to be okay with not always being “Together”…all the time. I’m going to remember to have more talks with myself when things get out of reach and to listen when my inner self says “it’s okay, take a break”

That said, I am declaring this period my “Let It Flow…” period, referred as The Second Step. I recall a few years ago being in a similar state of mind and enjoying it. I turned down a few activities and I encouraged myself to tap into other wells of resources and strongly suggested others to do the same.

The Third and most important Step is not to get lost. I have to stay mindful of my point; to not cut off completely from others, but not be consumed. It is imperative that I stay in line with my calling to help.

The occasional distraction will be allowed…

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's The Meaning?

This is a quick one…So, I read an article this morning about the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) having the definition of “Siphon” wrong for the last 99 years. Yep, WRONG for 99 YEARS!! Something along the lines of a ‘minor’ error in the understanding of physics, gravity flow, etc. Not my strong point, but that’s my point. One of oldest forms of research, and I’m sure respected just as long had no process of follow up? (???) As a dear friend says all the time, “No check and balance” Hmmm…

What tickled me the most I think and what prompted me to write this was the explanation given for the “mistake”; the editors who defined the word were not scientists. So, it took one person to dig a little deeper to discover this almost a century later, and not just in the OED, but in other dictionaries? The article stated OED will correct the error in the next edition release.

A bonus for the dictionary market, I suppose. For those of us who still enjoy the feel of having a real book in our hands and probably have the same dictionary on our bookshelves that we used to look up our 6th grade spelling words, will now look twice at our trusted friend ‘The Dictionary’. Does this mean I will now go out and get a new one? Probably not. Will I now wonder about and question the definitions listed? Did that already.

I’m wondering if this will lead to an onslaught of “revisions” and other discoveries. Interesting to see where it will lead.

I think the guy who discovered it should’ve waited until it was 100 years; only because I like nice rounded numbers.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Green - Going

Today just about everything and everyone attached to that ‘thing’ has in one way or another gone “Green” It’s an age of an adopted consciousness of saving and re-using. From Fortune 500 companies to the little house on the corner of Elm and Main streets, recycling and using other methods to conserve energy is the latest wave.

Organizations are converting into paper-less work environments, which I have yet to see actually work 100%. I’ve witnessed (no exaggeration!) a 30 page document created, printed for signature (all 30 pages!), scanned, saved and printed again to maintain a “hardcopy” of the signed document on file. Even better, are the occasions where files consisting of about 75+ pages are scanned into databases for storage and easy access, while the hardcopies are shipped to an offsite storage space (at a ridiculous monthly rate!) and when the file is needed, employees PRINT the scanned documents because, well not everyone is as adaptable to the new paperless policy (???) Okay, I can go on and on but you kinda get what I’m trying to say about the corporate world’s idea of going Green.

Then there’s that aforementioned house on the corner Elm and Main; downsizing from the 8-passenger SUV to snazzy Hybrids for everyone in the household, unplugging phone chargers that aren’t in use, buying bigger, but energy efficient appliances, (did you catch that?)

Don’t get me wrong, going Green is great. We’re doing what should’ve been done a long time ago. But true to form, we wait until things are at a dire state before we began to take action.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Another One...

As I exited from that place of dreams, right before the second or third wave of sleep kicks in, I sleepily opened my eyes to another day.
Another day - Monday.
I can hear the rain beating against the leaves drooping from the trees outside my window. It’s dark and Panther (my cat) is curled up at the foot of my bed, oblivious to the beauty going on around him (or is he?) I lay there for a few minutes and just listen. A car goes by and I hear its horn blaring, disrupting God’s symphony. It stops and I snuggle down to hear more of His rhythms. I peek over to see what time it is and realize I still have 2 more hours of sleep before I have to get up. Actually, because it’s raining I only have 90 minutes if I want to get to work on time (and we all want that, don’t we!)
Monday – the beginning of another workweek.
Another beginning of a commuting, traffic, and coffee combos. Another beginning of phony smiles and repeated forced Good Morning’s to the very people I bumped into at the mall or grocery store and they gave me that “I know you from somewhere” look, but didn’t speak, yet Monday here they are, all smiles. (Hmmm…)
Once settled, I get into a grove and whisper a prayer of thanks because this could've been the beginning of an end.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Yes, it's that wonderful day of the work-week where we pretend to be so intense and focused on our work (Ha!)
Let's be honest, our weekend started Thursday night! We didn't think too much about what we were going to wear the next day because it doesn't's FRIDAY!

We come in geared to function in my personal favorite, "Cruise Control" state of mind. Of course, we work but with less fervor. At least I do anyway ;-)

Shame on the manager that schedules a 2 hour training session on a Friday. Does he or she really believe we're going to remember what those tabs in the new system are for? I mean, really. And the notes that were taken will need to be deciphered by a freelance agent from the FBI. Behind all the scribbling and doodling, who can make sense of it? Certainly not me. We're already on Saturday night, and perhaps what's on the menu for Sunday's dinner.

And to those that wait until 4 o'clock to request in depth research on a project that's been sitting on their desk since Tuesday, you need to slapped around for 10 minutes with a wet sponge soaked in Red Kool-Aid!

Fridays are liberating. They are the symbol to the working woman and working man that something has been accomplished steadily for 6 days.

So - Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Teach and Learn...

Is another’s blood on your hands the justified price of an argument lost? You’re born into a world of confusion and dispute and taught that an eye for an eye is the only way to obtain justice. By the time you’re 10 you’ve had vague examples of doing what’s right. You were punished for skipping school, maybe for telling a lie, but were you taught the ramifications of these actions? Were you sat down and given an explanation of the “why” you ought not to do what you were just beaten for? Without that explanation, you develop a philosophy without knowing it, that no explanation is needed or one isn’t entitled.
Now you’re a teenager, considered a man in your house probably. Mainly because there is no other to challenge the status and it’s easier to pass on that role rather than continue to try and mold you into a respectful human being. Respectful to yourself and of others. You feel the world owes you something and because no explanation is given, you believe this with every fiber of your ignorant being. You walk outside your door with a chip as big as Texas and California put together all because you’ve been brain-washed into believing you are something and someone to be feared. You walk down your block sneering at your neighbors. The same neighbors that donated boxes of Fruit Loops to your grandmother’s church so that you and younger brother and sister would have breakfast. You flip off the owner of the corner store, the same man that gave you your first popsicle, because your mother didn’t have the money to buy it. As you make your way to your boy’s house, you laugh at the special needs boy across the street. The same boy that at one time shared his formula with you when you were babies because again, your mother didn’t have the money to buy any.
And while you’re on your way to begin another destructive, non-productive evening, your mother sits in the house once owned by your great-grandparents, and grandparents thereafter, trying to figure out who she can call to watch your younger brother and sister so that she can go out. She’s oblivious the damage she’s allowed to fester within you. Is she to blame? Partly. Will she ever know this? Perhaps. Does she care? No one will ever know, but maybe there’s a chance of seeing some concern when and if she begins to speak LIFE into you. In the meantime, you continue down your disruptive path terrorizing just about everyone that passes by.
And now, you’ve hyped yourself up to believe you’re all that and damn anybody that argues against it. With that attitude, you have a gun, a knife. With that attitude you have no regard for life. Your respect is some warped idea of a street code that’s been branded into your brain like the alphabet and by any means necessary, you’ll guard it.
Your boys? They’re all mock ups of what you’re trying to be. None of them have been instilled with the courage of becoming fruitful. Fruitful in the way of contributing positive attributes to society and the fellow man. Your idea of fruitful if the idea even enters your mind, is reproducing. Laying down with some girl that hasn’t been nurtured in the way you should’ve been. A young princess that believes her existence consists of being your girlfriend. The two of you will make a baby, and teach it the pathetic values you’ve come to live by on the Block. And thus the cycle continues.
Where does it end? How can it be prevented? Not being a parent, but of the human race, it begins and ends with concerned Adults. People willing to risk being cussed out for trying to encourage instead of degrading. Teachers who are passionate about guiding our young people to a prosperous future instead of down the hall to the principle’s office just to get them out of their classroom. It’s time to take the blinders off and look around. Just because they’re not biologically your kids, their behavior affects you just the same. It’s like a carefully set domino display, the minute that Child, yes, Child walks out the door, his/her actions become a part of your world. Like it or not.
Ignorance begets ignorance. When will we learn?