If I get one more over-sized post card from an election official I’m going to scream! I should start screaming now because I’m sure, that as I’m typing this; my not-so-friendly mail carrier is dropping more of those annoying glossies in my mailbox.
Vote for me! Vote! Cast your ballet! (I don’t appreciate being yelled at either) Every candidate has THE answer and each is better than the other one. I took a moment to actually read a couple of these cardboard bios since somebody’s hard-earned donations were funneled through the budget for the producing and mailing of these intrusions. What I’ve realized is that they’re not very original. All fairly standard actually. They all give the same semi-profile picture on one side. On the other side bullets on what they’ll do if elected, promises, and more promises (blah, blah, blah)
They have gotten so bold as to set up auto-dialing pools to harass via the telephone. Right, just what you (you, because I’m not part of this population) wanted to come home to. After a long day at the office, customer service desk, or check-out line, I’m sure the last thing anyone wants to deal with is a ringing phone during dinner, only to be “greeted” with a recorded message from your state Rep, asking for your vote. I won’t mention the lawn signs (Geesh!)
The real meat is saved for the television ads and radio spots. This is when my remote control gets its exercise. So much slander and school yard bulling is transferred between hopefuls there almost should be parental ratings on some of them. Clips of recorded speeches and internet videos are spliced while printed stories have been cut and pasted more than a first grader’s collage. It’s all pathetic in my opinion. The name-calling, the digging into each other’s pasts all trying to paint a distorted picture to the voting public is just sad. Has anyone figured out that there is an equal ratio of trash? Which leads me to wonder whom to believe?
There’s a lot of money spent on these campaigns. All those ads and signage, costs a lot to place that filth on the airwaves and along our roads. If only they were as concerned at saving the many community centers that are closing and after school activities that are being threatened to end because there’s no funding.
What happens to all that money when the campaigning is over anyway?