With this being the greatest country...freedom of speech and all that. I'm compelled to express my take on the up coming presidential election. Along with everybody else, I have an opinion.
Yes, this is history in the making. Yes, we have some, well, we have one dynamic candidate vying for the most powerful position in the U.S. So why isn't that the focus of this election? The cadidate's ability to run this country. Not who's old enough, who's fought for the country (if I hear one more prisoner of war story from that guy I swear..!!)
Why are we (and I'm not including myself in that because I could care less about a certain VP-elect's pregnant daughter) so concerned with the crap that is being "advertised"? I'm so sick of the campaign adds degrading Sen. Obama with those idiotic "approvals" at the end of them. I mean really, is an approval really needed? You approve of twisting facts and painting pictures of lies to gain votes?? All it does for me is show a level of desperation; kind of pathetic actually.
I say we wait for the debates. Man to Man (note that I said man-to-man and not vp-woman-to man) Let the two candidates stand at the podium and duke it out (verbally of course) and let them reveal what some of already know.
I'm sure I'll more to say on this....